Friday, June 8, 2012

15 Seconds of Fame

My day started out pretty normally – hung out with some friends. Ate a couple slices of delicious street pizza. Walked around and did some window shopping. But around mid day I got a Twitter message from the dear folks at @Newsies, asking if I would record a “Viddy” message for the guys. Of course! I met Greg, one of the friendly marketing people, at the theater an hour before the show, and after a few takes we got a message that fit the 15 second time limit with no mistakes on my part. Happy to be of service any time marketing folks! You know I dig you guys and all the hard work you do. So stay tuned to the Newsies Viddy channel to see me wish the guys well for the Tony Awards. Not sure when that will get posted. edit: Here's my viddy! 

8:00pm show tonight, so I had plenty of time to gussie up. I like to at least try to look decent at the theater; even though most people are in whatever they wore that day - from tourists in sneakers to lovely older ladies who bust out their furs. A few people in the show seem to sound like they are coming down with something or are sick, so I hope whatever is spreading around back stage stays away until AFTER the Tony’s live performance! Otherwise the show was the show, and it all went well for the most part. As someone who has seen it repeatedly, it is fun for me to experience a new audience every night and hear their reactions. A few murmurs during intermission definitely indicate most people love it. There was a guy in front of me who seemed mostly ambivalent towards the show until Kin g of New York, and then he was all in. Nice to see folks make a turn around like that. Sherrie Sheppard from The View was in the audience tonight.

So I stage doored again, and got a few more of my Newsies trading cards signed. A tip to those who want a complete set – I don’t think Michael Fatica (the swing) has a card at the merch booths, but if you ask him personally, he might have one. He did tonight! I got lucky! He said he doesn’t usually have them. He was on for Kyle Coffman, who has been out a couple shows now. Hopefully he’d not battling sickness too. Good night for stage door. Crowd was a little thinner than usual, but MUCH more well behaved than the last few I have been in. And if you will allow me to absolutely fangirl out for a moment – I am excited to report that Jeremy remembered who I was tonight and said hi to me and smiled at the stage door. I am going to take that as an epic win, and let it gently cradle me to sleep tonight. :D

Anyway, we are one day closer to the Tony Awards! The guys are definitely excited, but tired. They had rehearsal for the awards show earlier today, and then the regular show at night. I would gift them all naps if I could, but I am no Dream Lord (Doctor Who reference, for the nerds out there).Two shows tomorrow. Only 3 more left for this trip!